Wednesday 11 June 2008

Internet Explorer can go to hell

Download a PDF file from the archive through a browser

[Just to get the headers here, I used: "curl -I"]

Server Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 53760
content-disposition: attachment; filename="uuid4af22069-ec0e-4407-b42d-2926c5a6c9ca-ATTACHMENT01.doc"
accept-ranges: bytes
last-modified: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:54:45 GMT
content-range: 0-53759/53760
etag: 1213192485.0-53760
content-type: application/msword
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:54:45 GMT
Server: CherryPy/3.0.2
  • Firefox (any version, any OS) downloads this and passes it to an external app fine, job done.
  • Safari, same deal.
  • Camino, ditto.
  • Opera, not a problem.
  • Even Internet Explorer 7, downloads it and opens it fine.

Internet Explorer 6 -> Adobe Acrobat says "Error, file not found"

Internet Explorer 5 -> Adobe still says "Error, file not found"

I'll post up the fix to IE5/6 not being able to download the file properly. It's all in the response headers, and I'll let you play spot the difference:

Server Response (works with IE5/6):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 53760
content-disposition: attachment; filename="uuid4af22069-ec0e-4407-b42d-2926c5a6c9ca-ATTACHMENT01.doc"
accept-ranges: bytes
last-modified: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:54:45 GMT
content-range: 0-53759/53760
etag: 1213192485.0-53760
content-type: application/msword
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:54:45 GMT
Server: CherryPy/3.0.2

Found it? No?

etag: 1213192485.0-53760
content-type: application/msword

That's right, adding empty fields into the response headers magically fixes the download issue for IE6 and 5. One day, I'll find an IE engineer and if I do, when I do... well... my bail money will be with my lawyer. in that case.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Google App Engine SDK - How to work out if you are running deployed or locally

Short post this one:

os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] is your variable to see.
  • Deployed, it reads 'Google Apphosting/1.0'
  • Running locally, it reads 'Development/1.0'
So doing "if os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development'):" should be enough to deal with the differences between local and deployed.

Release 0.2 of the Python REST Client

The update is due to improvements made to the Google App Engine flavour of the restful lib code - I've added automatic Basic and Digest authentication to the code, so that apps deployed to the App engine can now use services that require either form of authentication, such as Twitter (Basic auth needed) or the Talis Platform (Digest auth only).

OAI-ORE reaches beta

Beta release of specs -

At a cursory glance through the documents, there seems to be a few refinements on version 0.3:
  1. Resource map metadata is now (IMO) handled better
  2. The inclusion of resource typing into the aggregation data model
    - Yeah, wonder where they got that idea ;) But seriously, it suggests to type the objects at a conceptual level. I would have liked to see inclusion of more physical typing alongside this, such as metadata standard adherence (dcterms:conformsTo) and a 'mimetype' of some sort (dc:format but this is open to debate).
  3. Proxies are more fleshed out (I still think that this is a solution looking for a problem though)
So, aside from the resource map metadata changes, I don't think this will cause me undue work to update to. The alpha to beta spec transition was just refinement and not an overhaul.